1995‘re-election’Fujimori 2002law of de-centralization 2004ZonficacionEcologicaEconomicZEE 2003Tambo Grandemining projectabandoned 2010Political guidelinesFor territorial ordering June 2008Garcia LegislativeDecrees1015, 1064,and 1073(free tradewith USA) 2009Peru recognized as#1 producer of cocaine 1992Fujimoriautogolpe formarket reforms‘Fujishock’‘Chicago schoolinvited over forlunch ...’ 1990Fujimori(presidentelect) 1984MRTAappears 1982 Debt Crisis 1980Shining Path appears 1933New Constitution 1924- 1932APRA is bornHaya de la Torreas APRA leader 1920NewConstitutionLeguía(authoritarian) 1909Haber-Boschprocessdiscovered 1879-1883War of the Pacific 1533-1569Toledo Reformsmoved original enconomienda systemto a more governable hacienda system 2006Garcia(president elect)return of APRAneoliberalpopulism 1948Odriadictatorship 1956 de la Torre winselections, but notpermited presidency- instability results 1977massivelabor strikein Lima 1969Reforma Agraria government economy form of 1979 - new constitutionwritten under APRA 2011Ollanta Humala(president elect)military democracy Common Property Extraction Conservation Politics and Economics 1987 - 24656Communities24657Delimitationand titlingexpropriation,66% sale 1973 OPEC oil embargo1974 global recession 1900 2000 1990 1950 1820 1532 1980 2015 2016 2010 2013 2006 late 1970snarco-trafficking on the risecocaine and corruption enterAndean politics 1993 INRENA created SINANPE, FONANPEBiodiversity Convention adopted 2008Peru recognized asForest Carbon PartnershipFaciliy (FCPC) 2001 Law of ProtectedAreas ImplementedPrivate Conservationnow possible 1997 ley 26821 Sustainable Resource Useley 26839 - Cons. Bio.ley 26834 - protected areas 2002 law 27795Ordering Territory 2006methodologyZEE 1990 - Codigo delMedio Ambiente yRecursos Naturales(ya derogado?) DS-022-2009-MINAMOEFA - ley 29235environmental oversight agency April 2009DS-008-2009 for PCAszoning and private propertystudy and master plan June 2011RP 123-2011 SERNANPPCA can initiate a fine againstbiodiversity crimes - still administrative process by SERNANP Guzman captureSept. 12th 1992 1961First National ParkCutervo 1963 - law 14552Servicio Forestaly de Caza (created) 1975 Ley Forestal yFauna SilvestreSINUC (SINANPE)CENFOR (SERNANP)first zoning rules liberalism neo liberalism neo liberalism Inca style feudalism plunder extreme extractivism stateism 1985-1990Garcia(presidentelect)APRA civil war mil. authoritarian democracy? democracy republican oligarchy (both elected presidents and military rulers) empire colonial viceroyalty ??? military democracy 1980-1985Belaunde(presidentelect) 2008DL 1013 MayoMINAM Created 2011REDD ReadinessPreparation Proposal (RPP)approved. 1941 - Peru ratifies theConvention to Protect Flora, Fauna, andBeautiful Landscapes in American Countries (OAS) 1933-1950domestic capitalmakes small comeback 1920 new constitutionprotects communalproperty: inalienable,cannot be seized, andcannot be transferredthrough sovereignprescription 1950 - FirstNational Reserve(Cueva de los Lechuzas) 1951 newmining codePeru’s economyis “freeest inLatin America” 1991DS 708 promocionde catastro mineroDS 757 privateinvestment 1992new mining code (TUO)concession governanceEIA regulationfirst water quality(overseen by MEM) 1901 New mining Codemining cadaster createdpermits foreign ownershipof concessions 1901-1930US capital dominatesin copper mining 1854Slavery abolished 1993New Constitutiononly imprescriptabilityArt 68: cons. bio. Ago 2010Aprueban LMP 2008PETTabsorbed byCOFOPRI 1888Registro Publicocreated 2009 rural land titlingmoved to regions 2008decreesrepealed(sept/oct) 10/13/2005General Lawof the Environment28611 May 2010previos informedconsultation/consent DS-001-2013-AGrural titling authority moved to Ministry of Ag. and Irrigation - MINAGRI 2014 Ley 30230simplified taxes and permissions for foreign investment 2015 from title III 30230speeds rural title processif in an area of influencefor extractive investment orgovernment project 2015 Ley 30327to promote investmentand sustainable economic growth DS 001-2015-EM allows community officials to make decisionswithout an assemblymod 26505 and 24656 DS-008-2014-MINAGRIrural titling office created in MINAGRI 7/31/2008DS 002-2008-MINAMnational water standardspublished (ECA) 1993DS 016-93-EMAmbiente y laActividad Minera 1994CONAM initiatedconsejo nacionalde ambiente 1996 Law of theCanon Mineroley 26570mining easements 1994SUNARP created 2005Ley Marco NacionalGestion Ambiental28245009-2005-PCM 2008(May/June) decrees50% attending canalienate communityproperty 1995 Ley de TierrasCOFOPRI created66% vote to sell26505 1994Peru adopts ILO 169 1992PETT createdRonderos cancarry arms 1840-1880massive guano exportsBritish capital is dominant 1533within less than one yearPizarro and his men export13,135 kgs of gold 23,405 kgs of silver 1532all mineral resources declared property of the Spanish Crown Mita system of labor taxappropriated by Spanish from crumbling Inca empire access to land includesobligatory labor for all indigenous communities All land owned by Inca with fourmajor administrative divisionsbased on production for:- the Inca- the empire- the local community- family subsistence (the Allyu) } a form of labor tax 1971 ley generalde la mineria 1981 DL 109new mining codew/new constitution 1968Ley 16726Nat ParksNat ReservesNat SanctuariesHist. Sanctuaries!expropriation ofproperty to createnational parks 1969Ley Generalde las Aguas 1979 - Communal Property still protected,inalienabilidad: 100% vote allows transferinembargabilidad, imprescriptibilidad 1978 changed to eliminate indigenous property rights on forest lands 1974 Law of Native ofCommunitiesof the Amazonprotected nativecommunities 1821IndependencePeru 1968Military ‘revolution’Velasco Alvarado 2001Toledo(president elect) 1532Pizarro arrivesin Peru Perú at a Glance
Perú, Property and Persuasion:
the evolution of legal frameworks for conservation and extraction in Perú
Timothy Norris - Data Curation Fellow - tnorris@miami.edu
AAG - The Conservation Extraction Conundrum - April 6 2017
follow along at: http://tibbben.github.io/aag2017/
Shared Social License
Norris, T. B. (2016). Shared Social License:
Mining and Conservation in the Peruvian Andes.
Antipode. doi:10.1111/anti.12300
Private Conservation
Extraction / Conservation
"In environmental policy, it is helpful to differentiate between conservation and allocation. In political reality, actions in these two spheres are closely related. In economic analysis, it is useful to separate them."
Ciriacy-Wantrup, SV (1971) The economics of environmental policy. Land Economics 47: 36-45
“. . . it is precisely the complex alliances of actors around conservation and
resource extraction that make the fields of power in which coercion and
violence are located so intractable. Indeed one of the most pressing
tasks is to understand the contours of what is coercively undertaken
in the name of conservation and to determine both the complex
alliances (and fissures) and the forms of power and hegemony
associated with each”
Watts, M (2000) Contested Communities, Malignant Markets,
and Gilded Governance: Justice, Resource Extraction and
Conservation in the Tropics. In Zerner, C (ed) Plants,
People, and Justice: The politics on nature conservation
New York: Columbia University Press.
Extraction / Conservation
"... crucial in mainstream neoliberal conservation efforts is that while trying to take negative environmental contradictions into account, social property relations are actively transformed and denied. In fact, they are often deliberately obfuscated ..." (emphasis mine)
Büscher, B., & Fletcher, R. (2015). Accumulation by Conservation. New Political Economy, 20(2), 273-298. doi:10.1080/13563467.2014.923824
  • originates from from natural right, labor, or disposession
    (Smith, Locke, Marx, Proudhon)
  • from common to private
    (Ostrom, Rose, Freyfogle)
  • social relations, not things
    (Marx, Macpherson)
  • bundle of sticks: posess, use, transport, sell, donate, exclude, devise
  • priviledges and powers (and claims and immunities)
  • dimensions: theory, field, stringency, time
Macpherson C.B. (1978). Property: Mainstream and Critical Positions. Toronto, Toronto University Press.
Rose, Carol M. (1994). Property & Persuasion. Boulder, Westview Press.
Underkuffler, Laura (2003). The Idea of Property. New York, Oxford University Press.
Freyfogle, Eric (2007). On Private Property. Boston, Beacon Press.
Conservation Approaches
  • Fortress Style
    Yellowstone, Yosemite, etc
  • Inclusive and community based
    CBC, CBNRM, indigenous reserves, etc
  • Third Wave
    working in productive and functional landscapes to conserve biodiversity
prior to 1960

1970 - 2000

2000 and later
  • Fortress conservation
    Yellowstone, Yosemite, etc
  • Flexible conservation
    ICDP, biosphere reserves, ecotourism
  • Fictitious conservation
    carbon markets, species banking, etc.

Zimmerer, K. S. (2006). Globalization & New Geographies of Conservation: University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Büscher, B., & Fletcher, R. (2015). Accumulation by Conservation. New Political Economy, 20(2), 273-298. doi:10.1080/13563467.2014.923824
1995‘re-election’Fujimori 2002law of de-centralization 2004ZonficacionEcologicaEconomicZEE 2003Tambo Grandemining projectabandoned 2010Political guidelinesFor territorial ordering June 2008Garcia LegislativeDecrees1015, 1064,and 1073(free tradewith USA) 2009Perú recognized as#1 producer of cocaine 1992Fujimoriautogolpe formarket reforms‘Fujishock’‘Chicago schoolinvited over forlunch ...’ 1990Fujimori(presidentelect) 1984MRTAappears 1982 Debt Crisis 1980Shining Path appears 1933New Constitution 1924-1932APRA is bornHaya de la Torreas APRA leader 1909Haber-Boschprocessdiscovered 1879-1883War of the Pacific 1533-1569Toledo Reformsmoved original enconomienda systemto a more governable hacienda system 2006Garcia(president elect)return of APRAneoliberalpopulism 1948Odriadictatorship 1956 de la Torre winselections, but notpermited presidency- instability results 1977massivelabor strikein Lima 1969Reforma Agraria government economy form of 1979 - new constitutionwritten under APRA 2011Ollanta Humala(president elect)military democracy Common Property Extraction Conservation Politics and Economics 1987 - 24656Communities24657Delimitationand titlingexpropriation,66% sale 1973 OPEC oil embargo1974 global recession 1900 2000 1990 1950 1820 1532 1980 2015 2016 2010 2013 2006 late 1970snarco-trafficking on the risecocaine and corruption enterAndean politics 1993 INRENA created SINANPE, FONANPEBiodiversity Convention adopted 2008Perú recognized asForest Carbon PartnershipFaciliy (FCPC) 2001 Law of ProtectedAreas ImplementedPrivate Conservationnow possible 1997 ley 26821 Sustainable Resource Useley 26839 - Cons. Bio.ley 26834 - protected areas 2002 law 27795Ordering Territory 2006methodologyZEE 1990 - Codigo delMedio Ambiente yRecursos Naturales(ya derogado?) DS-022-2009-MINAMOEFA - ley 29235environmental oversight agency April 2009DS-008-2009 for PCAszoning and private propertystudy and master plan June 2011RP 123-2011 SERNANPPCA can initiate a fine againstbiodiversity crimes - still administrative process by SERNANP Guzman captureSept. 12th 1992 1961First National ParkCutervo 1963 - law 14552Servicio Forestaly de Caza (created) 1975 Ley Forestal yFauna SilvestreSINUC (SINANPE)CENFOR (SERNANP)first zoning rules 1941 - Perú ratifies theConvention to Protect Flora, Fauna, andBeautiful Landscapes in American Countries (OAS) 1933-1950domestic capitalmakes small comeback 1920NewConstitutionLeguía(authoritarian) 1920 new constitutionprotects communalproperty: inalienable,cannot be seized, andcannot be transferredthrough sovereignprescription liberalism neo liberalism neo liberalism Inca style feudalism plunder extreme extractivism stateism 1985-1990Garcia(presidentelect)APRA civil war mil. authoritarian democracy? democracy republican oligarchy (both elected presidents and military rulers) empire colonial viceroyalty ??? military democracy 1980-1985Belaunde(presidentelect) 2008DL 1013 MayoMINAM Created 2011REDD ReadinessPreparation Proposal (RPP)approved. 1950 - FirstNational Reserve(Cueva de los Lechuzas) 1951 newmining codePerú’s economyis “freeest inLatin America” 1991DS 708 promocionde catastro mineroDS 757 privateinvestment 1992new mining code (TUO)concession governanceEIA regulationfirst water quality(overseen by MEM) 1901 New mining Codemining cadaster createdpermits foreign ownershipof concessions 1901-1930US capital dominatesin copper mining 1854Slavery abolished 1993New Constitutiononly imprescriptabilityArt 68: cons. bio. Ago 2010Aprueban LMP 2008PETTabsorbed byCOFOPRI 1888Registro Publicocreated 2009 rural land titlingmoved to regions 2008decreesrepealed(sept/oct) 10/13/2005General Lawof the Environment28611 May 2010previos informedconsultation/consent DS-001-2013-AGrural titling authority moved to Ministry of Ag. and Irrigation - MINAGRI 2014 Ley 30230simplified taxes and permissions for foreign investment 2015 from title III 30230speeds rural title processif in an area of influencefor extractive investment orgovernment project 2015 Ley 30327to promote investmentand sustainable economic growth DS 001-2015-EM allows community officials to make decisionswithout an assemblymod 26505 and 24656 DS-008-2014-MINAGRIrural titling office created in MINAGRI 7/31/2008DS 002-2008-MINAMnational water standardspublished (ECA) 1993DS 016-93-EMAmbiente y laActividad Minera 1994CONAM initiatedconsejo nacionalde ambiente 1996 Law of theCanon Mineroley 26570mining easements 1994SUNARP created 2005Ley Marco NacionalGestion Ambiental28245009-2005-PCM 2008(May/June) decrees50% attending canalienate communityproperty 1995 Ley de TierrasCOFOPRI created66% vote to sell26505 1994Perú adopts ILO 169 1992PETT createdRonderos cancarry arms 1840-1880massive guano exportsBritish capital is dominant 1533within less than one yearPizarro and his men export13,135 kgs of gold 23,405 kgs of silver 1532all mineral resources declared property of the Spanish Crown Mita system of labor taxappropriated by Spanish from crumbling Inca empire access to land includesobligatory labor for all indigenous communities All land owned by Inca with fourmajor administrative divisionsbased on production for:- the Inca- the empire- the local community- family subsistence (the Allyu) } a form of labor tax 1971 ley generalde la mineria 1981 DL 109new mining codew/new constitution 1968Ley 16726Nat ParksNat ReservesNat SanctuariesHist. Sanctuaries!expropriation ofproperty to createnational parks 1969Ley Generalde las Aguas 1979 - Communal Property still protected,inalienabilidad: 100% vote allows transferinembargabilidad, imprescriptibilidad 1978 changed to eliminate indigenous property rights on forest lands 1974 Law of Native ofCommunitiesof the Amazonprotected nativecommunities 1821IndependencePerú 1968Military ‘revolution’Velasco Alvarado 2001Toledo(president elect) 1532Pizarro arrivesin Perú Perú at a Glance
Conservation Approaches
Phase I
  • Fortress
    - pretty textbook
  • Enclosure for conservation
    - military rule
    - no legislation
  • Moved with extraction
    - elements of sustainable harvest
Phase II
  • Inclusive and Flexible?
    - post civil war, hopeful
  • All about property rights
    - both surface and sub-surface
  • Has some env. regulation
    - water primarily
Phase III
  • Third Wave and/or Fictitious
    - divergence in how to see conservation
  • The true tradgedy of the commons
    - weakening common property needs more attention
  • Weak private (?) property rights
    - REDD needs private property
    - PC/local conservation problematic

  • Rural property originates from
    - agrarian reform?
    - disposession and conquest?
    - messy laws few understand
  • Common or private
    - on the surface, both?
    - subsurface, private?
  • Persuade communities ...
    - to accept an idea of property
    - obligations and access to communal property
  • Bundles of sticks ...
    - communities' bundles limited and shrinking
    - subsurface bundle is expanding
  • Field, Space, Area?
    - no rural surface cadaster ... still
  • Stringency
    - who is protecting what for whom?
    - mining and phase III conservation protecting investments
